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Convergence articles

Displaying 351 - 360 of 724

The beginnings of land measurement in the early United States and how this affected American democracy.

Given four numbers whose sum is 9900; the second exceeds the first by 1/7 of the first...

What proportions of sugar at 8 cents, 10 cents and 14 cents per pound, will compose a mixture worth 12 cents per pound?

An English translation of Eratosthenes' Geography, which includes "On the Measurement of the Earth."

X, Y and Z hired a pasture for the season for $90.00. Each has a different number of mules and are on the pasture for a different number of days. How much is each to pay?

Photo of Plimpton 322, an old Babylonian Tablet, from the Plimpton Collection at the Columbia University Library. Part of the Mathematical Treasures section of Loci: Convergence.

Imagine an urn with two balls, each of which may be either white or black. One of these balls is drawn and is put back before a new one is drawn.

What number is that, which being increased by 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 of itself, the sum shall be 75?

A general mathematics website with much information on the history of mathematics.

The dimensions of a rectangular box in inches are expressed by three consecutive numbers. The surface of the box is 292 square inches. Find the dimensions.
