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Convergence articles

Displaying 341 - 350 of 724

William Cook recounts the history of and computational progress on the traveling salesman problem, emphasizing connections within mathematics and with other disciplines.

The paperback reprint of this large collection of articles by experts on all aspects of the history and philosophy of mathematics.

This is the title page of the French edition of Leonhard Euler's text on Algebra. The text was originally published in German in 1767 in St. Petersburg and then translated into French in 1795.

A lively description of ten of the greatest feuds in mathematics.

Fibonacci gave a practical rule for approximating the area of an equilateral triangle.

A popular history of ancient mathematics, dealing with the mathematics of ancient Egypt and Babylonia.

Thumbnail sketches of statisticians throughout history.

Two MAA PREP Workshops in the History of Mathematics will be offered in June at the MAA Headquarters in Washington, DC.

This article contains examples of the use of the rule of false position in the solution of geometric problems as found in the work of Simon Stevin. We discuss the benefits for future teachers and their students.

An image of the calendar, together with instructions for its use
