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Convergence articles

Displaying 321 - 330 of 724

The perimeters of two similar triangles are 45 and 135 respectively. One side of the first triangle has length 11″ and a second side, 19″. Find the lengths of the sides of the second triangle.

Where does pi come from? Why should we be interested in negative numbers, or square roots of negative numbers? How did people ever figure out the quadratic formula? A truly wonderful reference for teachers at all levels.

A lady being asked how old she was at the time of her marriage replied that the age of her oldest son was 13; that he was born 2 years after her marriage...

A letter to Sam Greitzer, late editor of Arbelos, discussing the derivation of two formulas for calculating pi.

A sourcebook of original materials in the history of mathematics from ancient times to the early twentieth century.

A brief outline of policies for submission of articles to Loci.

A history of the development of Pascal's triangle in its various manifestations

There are two numbers whose sum equals the difference of their squares.

A powerful, unvanquished, excellent black snake, 32 hastas in length, enters into a hole at the rate of 7 1/2 angulas in 5/14 of a day, and in the course of 1/4 of a day its tail grows 2 3/4 of an angula.

Original source material from seventeen mathematicians, with commentary by Stephen Hawking.
