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Convergence articles

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This unique and beautiful book features the biographies of twenty-two notable female mathematicians and scientists, showing how their determination, creativity, and intellectual passion helped them excel in their fields.

Now there is a wall 5 feet thick and two rats tunnel from opposite sides.

A study of some elements of Greek geometry, as part of a course for liberal arts undergraduates on basic concepts of the calculus.

A great book from which to learn and teach the subject of relativity.

A sketch of the history of topology, beginning with the polyhedron formula, but continuing up to the present.

A circle, a square and an equilateral triangle all have the same perimeter equal to 1 meter. Compare their areas.

A castle has n rooms each of which has 7 samurai in it.

You have two sums of money, the difference of which is 2 dirhems; you divide the smaller sum by the larger and the quotient is equal to 1/2. What are the two sums of money?

A biography of Arthur Cayley, the outstanding mathematician of Victorian Britain.

Suppose General [George] Washington had 800 men and was supplied with provisions to last 2 months but he needed to feed his army for 5 months.
