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Convergence articles

Displaying 291 - 300 of 724

A survey of over two thousand years of the history of mathematics on the Indian subcontinent.

If an arc of 45 degrees on one circumference is equal to an arc of 60 degrees on another circle, what is the ratio of the areas of the circles?

On a day in spring a boy has gathered cherry blossoms under a cherry tree. Nearby a poet is reading some of his poems aloud. As he reads, the boy counts out the cherry blossoms, one blossom for each word of a poem.

The number 50 is divided by a certain number. If the divisor is increased by 3, the quotient decreases by 3.75. What is the number?

A biography of the geometer Donald Coxeter.

One says that 10 is divided into three parts and if the small part is multiplied by itself and added to the middle one multiplied by itself the result is the large one multiplied by itself...

In baking a hemispherical loaf of bread of 10" radius, the crust was everywhere of an equal thickness, and the solidity of the crust was equal to half the solid content of the whole loaf. What were the dimensions of the interior soft part?

A math history class visits the 'Beautiful Science' exhibit at the Huntington Library in Southern California.

Now there are 100 deer [being distributed] in a city. If one household has one deer there is a remainder...Find the number of households in the city.

Determine the different values of x, when a certain function hits a minimum.
