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Convergence articles

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A survey of the use of technology in American mathematics teaching over the past 200 years.

Assume that the human population after the flood was 6 and that 200 years later the population was 1,000,000. Find the annual rate of growth of the population.

A fish sees a heron looking at him from across a pool, so he quickly swims towards the south. When he reaches the south side of the pool, he has the unwelcome surprise of meeting the heron.

This work discusses the people who solved some of Hilbert's problems from 1900, as well as the mathematics involved in the solutions.

There is a right triangle where: the sum of the upright multiplied by itself twice and the hypotenuse multiplied by itself is 700 units; and, the sum of the base multiplied by itself twice and the hypotenuse multiplied by itself is 900 units.

Paul Halmos Photograph Collection, page 2: Arveson, Aschbacher, Askey, Lininger, Atiyah, Doob

A journey through numbers from their earliest beginning in India to the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem by Wiles.

This is the opening page of the section of the geometrical work of Oronce Fine (1494-1555) dealing with Euclid's work on circles. This is part of Fine's major work entitled Protomathesis, which covered arithmetic, astronomy and astronomical instruments, as well as geometry.

Eratosthenes' measurement of the earth, in a form that's easy for teachers to use in the classroom.

The two final volumes of the MAA tercentenary series on Euler present numerous papers on various aspects of Euler's life and work.
