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Convergence articles

Displaying 211 - 220 of 724

There are two piles, one containing 9 gold coins, the other 11 silver coins.

What is the perpendicular height of a cloud when its angles of elevation were 35 degrees and 64 degrees as taken by two observers?

A new history of mathematics text which asks lots of questions about the history and the mathematics.

A history of attempts to develop formulas expressing the sums of powers of the first n positive integers from the Pythagoreans to Jakob Bernoulli. With exercises.

The work of the great Renaissance artist/scientist Leonardo da Vinci can be taught in secondary schools through an integrated approach of several disciplines. This article explores the approach of the Ross School.

Suppose the area of an equilateral triangle be 600. The sides are required.

The square root of half the number of bees in a swarm has flown out upon a jessamine bush; 8/9 of the swarm has remained behind.

A five-volume set of biographies of mathematicians from ancient times to the twentieth century, aimed at secondary students.

What is the value of X...

I was employed to survey a field, which I was told was an exact geometrical square, but by reason of a river running through it, I can only obtain partial measurements.
