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Convergence articles

Displaying 121 - 130 of 724

In one day, a person can make 30 arrows or fletch [put the feathers on] 20 arrows.

A mouse is at the top of a poplar tree 60 braccia high, and a cat is on the ground at its foot. The mouse descends 1/2 a braccia a day and at night it turns back 1/6 of a braccia.

A cylindrical tin tomato can is to be made which shall have a given capacity. Find what should be the ratio of the height to the radius of the base that the smallest possible amount of tin shall be required.

Instructions that apply to Convergence but not necessarily to other areas of Loci

A cliff with a tower on its edge is observed from a boat at sea; find the height of the cliff and the tower.

There is much to see in this museum related to the history of mathematics.

Given two circles tangent to each other and to a common line, determine a relationship between the radii and the distance between the tangent points.

The first detailed biography of James Joseph Sylvester.

A barrel has various holes in it. The first hole empties the barrel in three days...

A circle is inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid. Find the relationship of the radius to the sides.
