Introduction to Graphs
Graphs and Subgraphs
Degree Sequences
Connected Graphs and Distance
Multigraphs and Digraphs
Trees and Connectivity
Nonseparable Graphs
Spanning Trees
Connectivity and Edge-Connectivity
Menger’s Theorem
Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs
Eulerian Graphs
Hamiltonian Graphs
Powers of Graphs and Line Graphs
Strong Digraphs
Flows in Networks
Graphs: History and Symmetry
Some Historical Figures of Graph Theory
The Automorphism Group of a Graph
Cayley Color Graphs
The Reconstruction Problem
Planar Graphs
The Euler Identity
Planarity versus Nonplanarity
The Crossing Number of a Graph
Hamiltonian Planar Graphs
Graph Embeddings
The Genus of a Graph
2-Cell Embeddings of Graphs
The Maximum Genus of a Graph
The Graph Minor Theorem
Vertex Colorings
The Chromatic Number of a Graph
Color-Critical Graphs
Bounds for the Chromatic Number
Perfect Graphs
List Colorings
Map Colorings
The Four Color Problem
Colorings of Planar Graphs
The Conjectures of Hajós and Hadwiger
Chromatic Polynomials
The Heawood Map-Coloring Problem
Matchings, Factorization, and Domination
Matchings and Independence in Graphs
Decomposition and Graceful Graphs
Edge Colorings
Chromatic Index and Vizing’s Theorem
Class One and Class Two Graphs
Tait Colorings
Nowhere-Zero Flows
List Edge Colorings and Total Colorings
Extremal Graph Theory
Turán’s Theorem
Ramsey Theory
Hints and Solutions to Odd-Numbered Exercises
Index of Names
Index of Mathematical Terms
List of Symbols