Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)
Among the unpublished papers of Augustin Cauchy (1789-1857) can be found many memoirs on various topics in mathematics. One such memoir, composed in 1831, is Mémoire sur les rapports qui existent entre le calcul des résidus et le calcul des limites: et sur les avantages qu'offrent ces deux nouveaux calculs dans la résolution des équations algébriques ou transcendants [Memoir on the relationship between the calculus of residues and the calculus of limits and the benefits of these new calculi in solving algebraic or transcendental equations]. Cauchy signed himself “Augustus Cauchy, member of the Institute of France.” The manuscript is in Cauchy’s hand and is written in pencil.

The images above were obtained through the courtesy of the University of Pennsylvania Libraries. The complete item can be viewed via its reference number, LJS 221.
Index to Mathematical Treasures
Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Manuscript of Cauchy on Solving Equations," Convergence (June 2017)