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Vera Sanford’s A Short History of Mathematics: A Mathematical Treasure – References

Leah C. Bridgers (State University of New York at Oneonta) and Toke Knudsen (State University of New York at Oneonta)

Brush, C. W. 1965. In Honor and Good Faith: A History of the State University College at Oneonta, New York. Faculty-Student Association of SUNY Oneonta.

Bureau of Curriculum Development. 1950. Mathematics for Boys and Girls: A Handbook for Teachers. Published by the University of the State of New York for the Bureau of Curriculum Development, Division of Elementary Education, New York State Education Department.

Cowley, E. B. 1931. Review of A Short History of Mathematics, by Vera Sanford. Bulletin of the American Mathematical. Society 37: 333.

Foti, Vincent Francis. 2020, November 10. (retired dean, SUNY Oneonta). Interview by Toke Knudsen about Vera Sanford (audio and transcription).

Gilham, C. W. 1931. Review of A Short History of Mathematics, by Vera Sanford. The Mathematical Gazette 15(214): 438–439.

Keller, Suzanne. 1981. Vera Sanford (1891–1971). Vera Sanford Biography File. University Archives and Special Collections, Milne Library, SUNY Oneonta.

Kost, F. 1989, November 27. Dr. Sanford directed growth of SUCO mathematics. The Daily Star,

Living Church. 1945, November 4. Edgar L. Sanford, Priest (obituary). The Living Church 111(19): 20–21.

Oneonta Star. 1971, December 31. Miss Vera Sanford, PhD (obituary). Retrieved from Vera Sanford Biography File. University Archives and Special Collections, Milne Library, SUNY Oneonta. [The Daily Star was formerly called The Oneonta Star.]

The Oneontan. 1955. “Dr. Vera Sanford, Mathematics.” The Oneontan: A Book of Hours for 1955: 14. Oneonta, NY: The Students of the State University Teachers College.

The Pen Dragon. 1941. “Dr. Sanford.” The Pen Dragon 13(15): 1, 9.

Robertson, Jane Philley. 2020, September 28. (retired librarian). Interview by Toke Knudsen about Vera Sanford (Knudsen’s notes only).

Sanford, V. 1927. The History and Significance of Certain Standard Problems in Algebra. Teachers College, Columbia University: Bureau of Publications.

Sanford, V. 1930. A Short History of Mathematics. Edited by John Wesley Young. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Sanford, V., and M. N. Woodring. 1938. Enriched Teaching of Mathematics in the Junior and Senior High School. Teachers College, Columbia University: Bureau of Publications.

Schorling, R. and V. Sanford. 1925. An Achievement Test in Plane Geometry. Teachers College, Columbia University: Bureau of Publications.

Simons, L. G. 1930. Review of A Short History of Mathematics, by Vera Sanford. The American Mathematical Monthly 37(10): 540–542.

Simons, L. G. 1931. Review of A Short History of Mathematics, by Vera Sanford. The Mathematics Teacher 24(2): 122–124.

Smith, D. E. 1923–1925. History of Mathematics. 2 vol. Ginn and Company. Volume 1: Volume 2:

Smith, D. E. 1929. A Source Book in Mathematics. McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Stokes, C. N. and V. Sanford. 1935. First Course in Algebra. Henry Holt and Company.

Thomas, Halsey Laverne. 2020, November 10. (retired professor of mathematics, SUNY Oneonta). Interview by Toke Knudsen about Vera Sanford (audio and transcription).


Leah C. Bridgers (State University of New York at Oneonta) and Toke Knudsen (State University of New York at Oneonta), "Vera Sanford’s A Short History of Mathematics: A Mathematical Treasure – References," Convergence (December 2024)