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Mathematical Treasure: Thomas Simpson’s Mathematical Dissertations

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Autodidact Thomas Simpson (1710–1761) extended his reputation in the British mathematical and scientific community by producing this volume of treatises in 1743, the first year that he taught mathematics at the Royal Military Academy of Woolwich. Mathematical Dissertations provides today’s readers with insights into the mathematical concerns of the 18th century. As the title page shows, he investigated questions such as the shape of the earth, the behavior of tides, the action of light, and properties of mathematical analysis.

Title page for Thomas Simpson's 1743 Mathematical Dissertations.

A full digitization of the copy owned by Universidad Complutense de Madrid is available in HathiTrust.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Thomas Simpson’s Mathematical Dissertations," Convergence (April 2024)