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Mathematical Treasure: Petrus Cracoviensis’ Computus novus ecclesiasticus

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Petrus Cracoviensis (Peter from Kraków, 1430–1474) can be assumed to have been a Polish monk. He composed many computi; one of the most popular one dealt with calcuating dates for the Church calendar and other astronomical matters. Computus novus ecclesiasticus appeared in around 25 printings between 1505 and 1517. A copy from 1515 is shown below.

1515 copy of Computus novus ecclesiasticus by Petrus Cracoviensis.

Tables from 1515 copy of Computus novus ecclesiasticus by Petrus Cracoviensis.

GoogleBooks has a full digitization of the copy held by the Bavarian State Library.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Petrus Cracoviensis’ Computus novus ecclesiasticus," Convergence (October 2021)