Frank J. Swetz (Pennsylvania State University)
Luther Eisenhart (1876-1966) was an American mathematician mostly noted for his work in semi-Riemannian geometry. He spent his academic career teaching at Princeton University where he introduced innovative educational reforms in the mathematics department. He wrote several influential texts that, together with his research and teaching, prepared a path for working with the theories of general relativity. His Treatise on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces (1906) was one of the first books on the topic written specifically for an American student audience.

Eisenhart’s “Preface” comments indicate the objectives of the work:

The “Table of Contents” reveals the scope and sequence of the course of study.

These images are supplied through the courtesy of the University of California Libraries and are available via Internet Archive, where the entire work can be viewed.
Index to Mathematical Treasures
Frank J. Swetz (Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Eisenhart's Differential Geometry," Convergence (July 2018)