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Mathematical Treasure: Collected Work of Leopold Kronecker

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University)

Leopold Kronecker (1823-1891) was a German mathematician best remembered for his Intuitionism philosophy of mathematics. He was most active in the theory of equations and higher algebra. The first volume of a collection of his works, Werke, was published in 1895.

Title page of volume I of Leopold Kronecker's Werke, 1895

A portrait of Kronecker serves as the frontispiece of the collection.

Frontispiece from volume I of Leopold Kronecker's Werke, 1895

The table of contents for Volume I of Kronecker’s Werke lists some of his publications for the period 1845-1874.

First page of table of contents for volume I of Leopold Kronecker's Werke, 1895

Second page of table of contents for volume I of Leopold Kronecker's Werke, 1895

Third page of table of contents for volume I of Leopold Kronecker's Werke, 1895

These images are shown through the courtesy of the European e-rara archive, where the work may be viewed in its entirety.

Index to Mathematical Treasures

Frank J. Swetz (The Pennsylvania State University), "Mathematical Treasure: Collected Work of Leopold Kronecker," Convergence (July 2018)